Sound test:
Hold L + R + Start + Select and reset the SNES system.
Best classes:
Hawkeye (Hawk)
1. Light
2. Light-Light
1. Light
2. Light-Light
1. Light
2. Light-Light/Light-Dark
1. Light
2. Light-Dark
Rieze (Lise)
1. Dark
2. Dark-Dark
Special attacks:
Hawkeye (Hawk)
Dark class: Silhouette Slice
Dark-Light class: Shadow Dive
Light: Flying Shallow Toss
Dark: Silhouette Slice
Light-Light: Dance of Roses
Light-Dark: Thousand Slice
Dark-Dark: Split-Image Slice
Light class: Whirlwind Kick, Tornado Throw
Dark class: Water moon Slice, Bastard Slam
Dark-Light class: Suzaku Sky Dance, Vertibach
Light-Dark: Genbu 100 Kick, Blow Impact
Light-Light: Byakko Shockwave, Stardust Bomb
Dark-Dark: Seiyouu Death Fist, Dead Crush
Light: 3 Step Cut
Dark: Whirlwind Sword
Dark-Light: Vacuum Sword
Dark-Dark: Eruption Sword
Light-Light: Flashing sword
Light-Dark: Magic Circle
Light: Pink Typhoon
Dark: Star Attack
Dark-Light: 10 ton Ball
Dark-Dark: Hot Shot
Light-Dark: Dancing Rod
Light-Light: Spiral Rod
Rieze (Lise)
Light: Vacuum Surge Spear
Light-light: Light Shot Spear
Light-Dark: Falling Star
Dark-Light: Dragon Tooth Spear
Dark: Flying Heaven Spear
Dark-Dark: Hundred Flower Dance
Carlie (Charlotte
Light: Jump
Dark: Dash
Light-Light: Chop Chop
Light-Dark: Boom Boom
Dark-Light: Craaaazy
Dark-Dark: Huge Huge
Boss stats:
Full Metal Hagger
Cave of Waterfall
LV: 4
HP: 1500
Element: Light
Weakness: Dark
Magic attacks: Holy Ball
Machine Golems
Cleft of Earth
LV: 4
HP: 605 each
Level recommended: 7-8
Weakness: Wind
Special Attacks: Rocket Punch, Drill Missle
Jewel Eater
Dwarf Tunnel
HP: 3380
Element: Earth
Weakness: Wind
Special attack : Power Punch
Magic attacks: Gem Missle, Earth Slide, Slow Down
Corridor of Wind
HP: 1808
Element: Wind
Weakness: Earth
Special Attack: Feather Needle
Magic attacks: Air Blast, Thunderbolt
Lv: 12
HP: 3065
Weakness: Water
Special attack: Melt Wave, Summon Gate
Bill & Ben
LV: 12
HP: 900
Special attack: Shadow Dive, Shuriken
Magic attack: Water Jutsu, Earth Jutsu
Ghost Ship
LV: 21
HP: ???
Element: Dark
Weakness: Light
Special attack: Black Rain, Ghost road, Silence
Magic attacks: Evil Gate
Beast Lugar
Moon Reading Tower
LV: 21
HP: 3461
Element: Moon
Weakness: Fire
Special attack: Suzaku Sky Dance, Dead Crush, Bastard Slam, Seiyou Death Fist
Magic: Moon Saber
Lamp Flower Forest
HP: 8245
Element: Tree
Weakness: Wind
Special attacks: Spined Kelp, Hammer bean
Magic attacks: Sleep Flower
The Mana Beasts:
Fiegmund (Ice)
The Ice Wall Maze
LV: 29
HP: 10750
Weakness: Fire
Special attack: Ice Cradle, Icicle
Magic attacks: Freeze, Acid Storm
Zan Bie( Fire)
Valley of Flames
HP: 9292
Weakness: Water
Special attacks: Giga Burn, Lava Wave, Heat beam
Magic attacks: Exploder, Fire Saber
Corridor of Wind
LV: 29
HP: 21136
Element: Wind
Weakness: Earth
Special attacks: Air Slasher, Thunder Ball
Magic attacks: Thunderstorm, Air Blast
Moon Reading Tower
LV: 29
HP: 9839
Element: Moon
Weakness: Fire
Special attacks: Spiral Moon, Gravitation Press
Lampflower Forest
HP: 13483
Element: Tree
Weakness: Wind
Special attacks: Kill Stinger, Grenade Bomb
Magic attacks: Posion Bubble, Sleep Flower
Note: This is the easiest one.
Land Umber
Valley of Gemstone
LV: 29
HP: 7652
Element: Earth
Weakness: Wind
Special attacks: Hyper Cannon, Earthquake, Crush Ball
Magic: Stone Cloud, Diamond Missle, Earth Slide
Light Gazer
Ancient Ruins of Light
LV: 29
HP: 10932
Element: Light
Weakness: Dark
Special Attacks: Prisoner, Geyser Blast
Magic attacks: Saint Beam, Holy Ball
Zable Far
HP: 9999 (Right/Left: 5052)
Element: Dark
Weakness: Light
Special attacks: Hell Cross, Dark Blazon
Magic attacks: Dark Force, Evil Gate, Death Spell, Dispel Magic
Hawkeye (Hawk)/Rieze (Lise)
HP: 15947
Weakness: Fire
Special attacks: Ghost Road, Psycho Wave
Magic attacks: Evil Gate, Dark Force, Death Spell
HP: 15947
Weakness: Fire
Special attacks: Unknown
Magic attacks: Change Form, Moon Saber, and more
Final Boss
Arch Demon
HP: 53499
Weakness: Variable (changes)
Special attacks: Hell
Magic attacks: All
Darkshine Knight
HP: 17132
Special attack: Whirlwind Sword, Vacuum Sword, Eruption Sword
HP: 14722
Magic Attacks: Holy Ball, Lucent Beam, Gem Missle, Earth Slide, Fire
Ball, Exploder, Ice Smash, Acid Rain, Evil Gate, Dark
Force, Air Blast, Thunderbolt and more
Final Boss
Dragon Emperor
HP: 55551
Special attack: Unknown
Magic attack: Unknown
HP: 12606
Magic Attacks: Holy Ball, Death Rouette and more
HP: 11543
Magic Attacks: Saint Beam, Holy Ball, Black Curse and more
Final Boss
Dark Lich
HP: 49846
Weakness: Variable: changes.
Magic Attacks: Lucent Beam, Death Spell, Tree Saber, Speed Up, Power Up, Dark Force